Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Dad, the driving instructor

I've been driving for more than 10 years now, but every time (well, almost) my dad gets in the car with me, he gets into his driving instructor mode. He's not a backseat driver, but gives driving-instructor-like directions. Case in point:

Dad: The exit's coming up in 100 meters, you should indicate soon.
Me: Ok, got it.
Dad: Right, it's 50 meters ahead, indicate now. (by this time, I'm expecting a NASA-like countdown to the exit..), OR

Dad: That lorry's going pretty slow, you should overtake.
Me: Ok dad, I will. Soon.
Dad: Right, make sure there aren't any cars coming, indicate then ease out slowly, then speed up till you overtake him.
Me: Ok dad..would you like me to write that all down? (mutters..)

I honestly think that secretly, my dad would like to be a driving instructor in his free time.
Aaah, dads-what would we ever do without 'em? ;)

We lost a gem..

We lost a gem maker Yasmin Ahmad passed away after a stroke. I'm not a seasoned art or film critic, but I do know this - her movies trascended racial and religious boundaries; it depicted what how our society worked and what was happening (in reality, not some cushioned version of it).Of course some found it offensive, but hey, you can't please everyone. Maybe those people need to get off their arse & get out of their comfortable mansions & go see what Malaysian society is really like.

I had the honour of meeting her a while back. She was charismatic yet warm, assertive yet graceful, and when she spoke, people listened. I was awestruck in those short moments I spent with her, & I can't imagine the loss that those close to her must feel now - my heart goes out to them. Rest in peace, may God bless you.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Damn you, Plants vs. Zombies!

I'm addicted to the game Plants vs. Zombies!

Please boss, please don't come in yet, I've got 3 more levels to unlock... ;)

For those who wanna know, the trick to looking like you're hard at work when you're actually hard at play - look like you're concentrating on your computer screen and occasionally, look stumped. Good luck, my fellow goofing-off-at-work readers! :)

Of cats and little birdies

I once saw my cat chase after a little bird across a field. The poor little thing was flying as fast as its wings could take it (which wasn't very fast, as the cat was catching up) & Mr. cat, showing off his feline prowess (naturally!) ran and pounced as fast and as far as he could to get little birdie. Wanna know how the bird retaliated? When all hope looked lost, he flew into a tree, called a couple of friends (and by couple I mean a whole gang of 'em) and turned the tables on Mr. cat. Well, now that he had a whole flock after him, Mr. cat ran as fast as he could, tail between his legs, to the safety of our house.

Way to go, little birdie. Brains - 1, brawn - 0. :)

Novice blogger..

I'm here! I've finally succumbed to the whole (dare I say it?) trend of blogging.. hello world! :)